Making An Impact Within Our Schools & Communities

We are unique students of a diverse background doing business at the crossroads of innovation and grind.

Gain work experience in one of the fastest growing fields, sustainability while learning how today’s companies must balance Social and Financial Responsibilities.

Our Mission

Code Green™ is not just a school club, it’s a business! Our Student Enterprise Program offers a unique educational experience for students who are interested in environmental and entrepreneurship opportunities. Our program bridges the gap between textbook learning and practical application. We provide schools with the resources and the tools necessary to teach students how to operate a sustainable company. Our goal is to have schools invest in their students, employees, and themselves while helping their scholars develop a relevant set of business skills.

Our Program

This is not your ordinary School Club. It’s a business!!

“It’s all right to tell a man to lift himself by his own bootstraps, but it is cruel just to say to a bootless man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps.” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. According to Hanover’s research, “Ninety‐four percent of schools in the United States must raise funds beyond the primary revenue that comes from federal, state, and local taxes. Instead of totally depending on outside funding.” Code Green™ Students strap their boots and create innovative ways to help their schools be self-sufficient. Our program serves as a true living laboratory allowing students to run a real for-profit business while generating revenues for their schools.

In The News

Code Green: How North Carolina Teens are Determined to Save the Earth With Their Environmental Enterprise

August 25, 2021

Ebony Magazine

With the internet at the ready of their fingertips, today’s teenagers are more knowledgeable than we ever were, but they also have more concerns. One of them is the impact that we as humans are making on the environment and how we can reverse or minimize any negative changes.


Our Partnerships


Empowered is a community of teachers, embracing a growth mindset, committed to their craft, their students, and their communities. Empowered teachers transform classrooms into real-world experiences through an innovative methodology called Experiential Self-Discovery™.

The Empowered community is built around the simple idea that teaching and learning should be a lifelong process of self-discovery. Through Empowered, teachers gain access to a supportive community, a powerful platform, a bevy of inspirational events and professional development experiences, and a life-changing approach to education.

Simple to implement and evidence-based, Empowered’s methodology of Experiential Self-Discovery™ is built to use real-world situations as a way to promote positive mental health, the development of critical soft skills, and, most importantly, an entrepreneurial mindset – that is, a growth mindset that meets any challenge in life as an opportunity to do something great.

Empowered, founded in 1991, has inspired more than 1,000 educators and hundreds of thousands of students across the nation to adopt that entrepreneurial mindset. Empowered is a public 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization funded by private donations.

Our Partnerships

Circular Solutions Advisors

Circular Solutions Advisors (CSA) works with organizations and facilities to create a circular economy. A circular economy establishs a process for collecting, diverting, mesuring, processing, and manufacturing new products from recycled materials. There is a circular nature in how products can be gathered and used as materials to manufacture new products such as apparel, promotional items, product packaging and much more.

About Us

We are unique students of a diverse background doing business at the crossroads of innovation and grind. Our statement “For The Students By The Students,” reflects our values. Our student-team members are driven by three common goals. (1) An interest in making a real impact within our school and community, (2) A commitment to learn and give 100% effort to all that we do, and (3) The desire to find creative ways to offset the expenses that teachers incur as they prepare to make us competitive globally. Our school strives to be at the center of the local community with positive and effective links to the wider and global communities.

Our Team

Our team of business leaders, students, and educators is guided by the old African proverb “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” Our team of professionals is committed to building a society of future leaders who are destined to go far and dedicated to impacting our society and environment.

Lauryn Bloodworth

Lauryn Bloodworth

President and Founder Of Code Green

When Lauryn B is not in school or dancing around the house, you can find her working diligently to grow and expand Code Green’s footprint. Lauryn is passionate about Code Green and loves sharing the mission and values with the world. “We appreciate the sacrifice that teachers make on a daily basis to ensure that we are prepared to compete globally. Every child deserves a quality education and opportunities regardless of their zip code. We are teaching students the importance of being innovative and encouraging them to pursue their dreams through business ownership.”


Dr. Leotis Bloodworth

President ERM Solutions

Dr. Bloodworth earned his Doctorate degree from the Xavier University of Louisiana in 1995 and is currently a Middle School teacher and President of ERM Solutions, the corporate partner of Code Green™ Student Enterprise Program.

Dr. Maria Graham

Vice President ERM Solutions

Dr. Graham earned her Doctorate degree from Florida A&M University and is currently Vice President of Sales for ERM Solutions, the corporate partner of Code Green’s Student Enterprise Program.

Tonya Bloodworth, M.Ed.

Vice President ERM Solutions

Tonya earned her Master’s degree from Cambridge University. She is currently The Director of Family Engagement for Rockdale Public School System and the Vice President of Education Development for ERM Solutions, the corporate partner of Code Green’s Student Enterprise Program.

Schools Recognition for Sustainability Achievement:

Code Green – Green Club

All participating schools will start with this distinguished seal. This seal indicates your school’s commitment to Code Green’s Student Enterprise Program, the willingness to learn how to run a successful business and committed to address environmental challenges in the community.

Code Green – Silver Club

Schools that achieve sales between $2,500 and $5,000, successfully participate in a minimum of 3 recycling events, complete Junior Achievements modules, log a minimum of 200 service hours, and divert at least 500 bottles from ending up into landfills will be awarded a Silver Club Membership.

Code Green – Gold Club

Schools that achieve annual sales greater than $5,000 successfully participates in a minimum of 5 recycling events, completes Junior Achievements modules, log a minimum of 400 service hours, and divert at least 1,000 plastic bottles from ending up into landfills will be awarded our highest seal, The Gold Club Membership.

Get Involved


Students or Schools

Are You A Student Or A School?


Corporate Partners

Code Green™ Student Enterprise Program offers a unique educational experience for students who are interested in environmental and entrepreneurship opportunities. Our program is designed for schools that are interested in creating student-powered revenue-generating businesses. Code Green™ manages businesses ‘for students, created by students.’ We empower schools to educate and invest in their students, employees, and communities so that students can develop and practice a relevant set of business skills. Most importantly, the student enterprise program is designed to create much-needed revenues that will support the needs of the school.